Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lincoln Through The Lens How Photography Revealed and Shaped an Extraordinary Life By Martin W. Sandler

1.  Bibliography

2.  Plot Summary
Lincoln was born in a simple time.  But he used the latest technology of the time photography to send him on his way to becoming the President of the United States.  "When Lincoln became president, photography was new, and he joined “the very first generation of human beings ever to be photographed" remark from BookList.  This book provides over one hundred images of Lincolns life.  The photos begin with Lincoln has a young man and end with his tragic death by John Wilkes Booth.  A great journey through a very wise mans life with actual pictures that make the reader feel that they can gain a new perspective on Lincolns life.

3.  Critical Analysis
The book has been written for 3rd to 5th grade and is appropriate for the age levels it was written for.  The words are not difficult to understand.  Here is an example of a typical sentence from the book:  "Lincoln was boisterous and he loved to play pranks"  (14).  The reader can easily figure out what the sentence means.  The author uses English words that are appropriate from the past and present day.  The language of the text is written to transport the reader to Lincolns world of language that he would use when he was alive.  Young readers will be interested in reading this book to get a glimpse of the life of a brilliant man through the high quality writing in the book. 

The text is logically organized.  The book begins with Lincoln interests of using photographs to further his career, so the reader can understand why the book includes all to the photographs.  "Before his days were over, photographs, even more than words, would not only reveal much about him but would shape his destiny" (6).  Then the book introduces Lincoln has a boy and concludes with his death.  There is no table of contents in the book with the organization from birth to death there is no need of one.  School Library Journal remarks that, "Each spread is a self-contained "chapter."At the end of the book is an index for quick use to find information.  When a person reads the cover they expect the book to inform them about the life of President Lincoln and include pictures through out his life.  The book completes this objective.

This book contains many interesting images from the life of Abraham Lincoln.  "Part history of early photography, part Lincoln biography, and part documentation of the period, this slim book speaks volumes in both words and pictures" (School Library Journal).   Each page contains a full size page picture and on the opposite page is text and a few little photos that go with the information provided in the text.  The images and the text in the book are balanced.  The photographs are realistic and of high quality. The pictures draw the readers eye and entice them to read the text to find out what the images are about.  All of the photos have captions, so the reader knows what they are and provides quick information about them.  "It was in frontier courthouses such as this one in Paris, Illinois, that Abraham Lincoln first gained his fascination with the law and legal profession" (20).

Martin Sandler is the author of over sixty books.  He has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.    "He has taught American history and American studies at the University of Massachusetts and Smith College."  He is a television writer and has been awarded five Emmys.  The information within the book is relevant to the subject being written about and is current.  There are no errors in the book to make it unbelievable.  This is a well written book with wonderful images to entice any reader to want to explore the life of Abraham Lincoln.

4.  Review Excerpts
SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL:  "Historical drawings and paintings, broadsides, and cartoons are also included. The text not only offers a fascinating updated history on the eve of the bicentennial, but also includes many colorful anecdotes and quotes about the mischievous Lincoln boys, Lincoln's beard, and Thanksgiving. This appealing, accessible title will be savored from beginning to end."

STARRED REVIEW FROM BOOKLIST:  "Every step of the way there are fascinating photographs, full-page portraits often followed by battlefield scenes, even death-bed pictures of both Lincoln and Booth. Although it’s the pictures that provide the “wow factor,” Sandler’s perceptive words have their own elegance. Well sourced and offering numerous ways to learn more (although, surprisingly, the fine Lincoln museum in Springfield is not cited), this will be an excellent tool for history classes; and browsers, too, will be caught up in Lincoln’s story."

5.  Connections
Other books about Abraham Lincoln:
Phillips, Ellen Blue.  ABRAHAM LINCOLN:  FROM PIONEER TO PRESIDENT.  ISBN 9781402733963

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